30 Jul 2011

Talk of the blog with Ario Achda

click on the image for a better view

Interview by Astriani and Annisa
Image: courtesy of Ario Achda

29 Jul 2011

Keep on reading The Blanc Notes

Behind-the-scenes, runway reports, and some more interviews with Indonesia's prominent fashion bloggers. You'll love us more, dahlengs!

Snap on the go: eye-candy

Snapped by : Laila

Recognize this guy? Angga? The dude with the blue star tattoo? In this picture, he's transformed his looks with cute eye-candy colors. Just to live up to his machismo image in the first picture, he's added a small-sized cowboy hat. Man enough fo' ya? 

Masih ingat sama Angga? Yang punya tato bintang biru itu? Di foto ini si Angga agak-agak bertransformasi dengan warna-warna imyut dan unyu, ala gulali. Biar agak macho sedikit, mukanya ditutup small-sized cowboy hat. Teuteup lekong kok, cyiiin.

25 Jul 2011

Snap on the go: the island of expats

Snapped by : Laila

Then: Welcome to Bali, the Island of Gods!
Now: Welcome to Bali, the Island of Expats!

Our lovely photographer, Laila, just spent some time-off in Bali last week, and snapped some fabulous, fierce street style. Thus, the Bali Street Style series start!

Dulu: Selamat datang di Bali, Pulau Dewata!
Sekarang: Welcome to Bali! (harus pakai bahasa Inggris, cyin, karena banyak banget bule-bule yang tumplek blek di pulau cantik ini. Kalah deh kita endonesyens...)

Dan kebetulan Laila, fotografer-nya The Blanc Notes, minggu lalu habis melipir ke Bali, dan langsung mendapatkan banyak street style yang ciamik. Jadi, mari kita mulai seri Bali Street Style-nya!

24 Jul 2011

Talk of the Blog with Talisha Quinta

click on the image for a better view

Interview by Astriani and Annisa
Image: courtesy of Talisha Quinta

22 Jul 2011

Snapped abroad: transparent details

Snapped by: Annisa

Walking around under the daylight of Singapore, during whatchamacallit 'Summer days' (no such things in South East Asia, we have sunshine all year long!), is exactly the same with your lunch strolls in Jakarta: you walk under the direct, blazing sun! The country / city is far more civil, true. So, transparent t-shirt and a woven bag won't trouble you, at all.

Jalan-jalan di Singapura tengah hari bolong sama aja seperti di Jakarta, super panas! Cuma bedanya, Singapura jauh lebih rapih dan nggak bikin paranoid aja. Jadi, kalau mau pakai t-shirt transparan dengan tas anyaman, no problemo!

Snapped abroad: high street on the playground

Snapped by: Annisa

She must be 'someone', 'a member of the it crowd'. She's so stylish and prepped up, it reflects on her clothing. Her hat, shades, shirt, skirt, bag, sandals. They make her look laid back, but there's definitely something underneath. She's too high-street for Universal Studio.

Wanita di foto ini pasti 'seseorang' deh. Shades warna yang dia pakai, topinya, kacamata hitamnya, atasannya, roknya, tasnya, sendalnya. Santai, tapi ada sesuatu yang misterius dan tertata sangat rapih. Terlalu rapih untuk sekedar main di Universal Studio.

One of The Blanc Notes editors, Annisa, just got back from Singapore, just like Laila. Hope you like her shots.

Salah satu redakturnya The Blanc Notes, Annisa, baru balik juga dari Singapura, sama seperti Laila. Mudah-mudahan cocok ya sama foto-fotonya si Annisa.

Snapped abroad: rain won't stop her

Snapped by : Laila

When everyone's covered with their umbrellas, there's got to be one super stylish gal who walks through the drizzles and shines.

Ketika semua orang kerepotan dengan payung, harus ada satu orang yang super stylish menyibak tabir hujan dan memanfaatkan efek jalanan yang basah untuk tampil memukau.

18 Jul 2011

Snapped abroad : where the stylish girls are

Snapped by : Laila

Have you ever wonder why some cities have the most stylish people flock together in one place and just unintentionally make it awesome?

Pernah mikirin nggak, kenapa ya beberapa kota di dunia ini punya banyak banget orang-orang stylish tumplek blek jadi satu dan bikin suasana jadi terasa keren banget?

17 Jul 2011

Snapped abroad : summer skin

Snapped by : Laila

Our fabulous contributing photographer, Laila, went to Singapore this week, and took a lot of great shots. Thus, the Singapore street style series start.

Fotografernya The Blanc Notes yang super keren, Laila, baru aja jalan-jalan ke Singapura, dan motret banyak banget. Mari yuk ah mulai nyelipin postingan street style-nya Singapura.

16 Jul 2011

Snap on the go: Jimmy Danger of The Upstairs

Snapped by : Laila

Jimmy Danger a.k.a. Jimmy Multazam, radio DJ / announcer, lead singer of the legendary The Upstairs
Snapped at Salihara, Jakarta

13 Jul 2011

Snap on the go : the brothers

Snapped by : Laila

Mario & Marshall Sastra
Snapped at Casa / Aksara Kemang

12 Jul 2011

Inspiration Board: Kate Bosworth

Edited by: Astriani

Apparently, girls can rock sweaters with anything. Sweaters with jeans (obviously)--but, hey, fold up the jeans a bit, wear sneakers, and get that laid back look. What else? Sweaters with shorts (hot!). Sweaters with skirts (surprisingly romantic). And never leave sunglasses behind, they bring up the awesome effect.

Ternyata, sweater bisa dipake dengan apapun, girls. Sweater dengan jeans favoritmu (jelaslah hay)--eh tunggu, biar nggak biasa, dilipat sedikit jeansnya, pake sneakers, langsung deh kelihatan super santai. Terus sweater bisa juga dipakai dengan celana pendek, walau fungsinya agak berlawanan, yang penting gaya! Sweater pake rok ternyata cantik banget. Jangan lupa pake sunglasses. Biar semua orang mati kutu kalo ngelihat kamu (peringatan: kacamata keren dan kacamata alay hanya dipisahkan oleh sebuah garis yang sangat tipis. Beware!)

Snap on the go : Aprilia Apsari of White Shoes & The Couples Company


Snapped by : Laila

Aprilia Apsari, lead singer of White Shoes & The Couples Company
Snapped at Ark Gallery, Jakarta

10 Jul 2011

Snap on the go : white shoes

Snapped by : Laila

At Jakarta's Little Tokyo 2011, Blok M, Jakarta

Snap on the go : Kae

Snapped by : Laila

The designer of the male clothing line, Goodfellas.
Snapped at Casa / Aksara, Kemang, Jakarta

Snap on the go : Andi Tidjels

Snapped by : Laila

Andi Tidjels, also known as Rharharha, his stage name.
One of Jakarta's urban visual artist.
Snapped at Ark Gallery

8 Jul 2011

1 Jul 2011

Snap on the go: Lisza

Snapped by Laila

Never hide your Givenchy Nightingale!

Note: Lisza is owner and designer of Soubrette Jewelry line

Snap on the go: the girls, the mall, and the hot pants

Snapped by Laila

Snap on the go: Moshaict Bazaar

In a recent Moshaict Bazaar in Jakarta, our beloved contributing photog, Laila, snapped the pretty ladies looking fab with their hijab. Bananas!

Note: one of the girls is actually Fifi Alvianto of the famous Hijab Scarf blog :D

Di bazarnya Moshaict kemarin di Jakarta, fotografer kami yang super keren, Laila, motret para perempuan cantik berjilbab yang amat sangat fashionable.

P.S: ada Fifi Alvianto dari blog Hijab Scarf yang terkenal itu! Yang mana hayo?