2 Mar 2012

Rexona: Sweat Free Shopping Experience

Snapped by: Astriani

We snapped a picture of this girl (probably a model, no?) on our way to Parkson, a shopping center, on our last holiday in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, last year. Take a look on how she combines black tank top, and a Zooey Deschanel-ish skirt with oxford shoes. Perfection.

Shopping is our favorite activity. Yes, in the midst of our city lives—that means Astriani working on her exciting new job and me creeping on books and journals to finally be able to finish my grad school—both of us still enjoy one lunch to talk about our lives, after exclusively having digital meetings via smart phones for months, and strolling around the great city of Jakarta for a whole day of shopping.

What we do during our shopping meet-up is basically walking. A lot.

I bet you know what we mean, when you’re inside of a mall. Going from one store to another. Picking up great finds and trying them on. Walking. Laughing. Walking. Shop, shop, shop. It’s amazing how dynamic women can be while shopping, haha.

And that’s when we realize that people sweat a lot when they shop. Even in the fully air-conditioned mall. And apparently, after some browsing, we found out that it’s called emotional sweat.

But, does it stop us from shopping? Of course not :p

However, because of the busy schedule, it’s kind of hard for us to travel and shop together, just like when we did on Malaysia trip the last time.
If you ask us, we really want to go to Hong Kong. The shopping heaven with it’s shopping malls and bargain stuff places.

And considering how active women can be while shopping, we think it’s a great honor for us to let you know this great opportunity from Rexona: Sweat Free Shopping Experience.

There are ten shopping packages to Hong Kong waiting for shopaholics (like us)! It’s the dream!

And the dream’s quite easy to reach. We have joined the competition, and you can take part too! Click here for Rexona ID Facebook page, and take your chance to have the best shopping experience with Rexona, now!


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Lauretha Sudjono said...

Nice look! Love it!

kyaminy06 said...

Love the shot.

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Anonymous said...

chic look

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