2 Sept 2011

Snap on the go: his clutch bag

Snapped by : Laila


Remember when Ario Achda listed man clutch bag as fashion underrated trend? Well, now it's no longer under the radar. In fact, the blogger/stylist's prediction looks so great here, with Rama exhibiting his fondness in colors.

Dudes, please do follow this up and coming trend.

Masih ingat ketika Ario Achda menulis bahwa man clutch bag merupakan trend yang underrated? Well, sekarang trend ini mulai muncul ke permukaan. Prediksi sang blogger/stylist tampil berani dan penuh warna ketika dipakai oleh Rama.

Hey para lelaki, marilah dicoba gaya yang ini.



Unknown said...

aaa rama!!!! i love rama! hes a really great person! :p

and also the clutch!
i was googling my name and found this post. ahahahaa. funny thing is i dont even have one! :(

chicastic said...

Hey ! I like the cluch-bag in your hands, it really looking beautiful and a piece of creative designing. It is also very colourful and is giving the shape of colourful pyramids structured together showing colourful rays.