1 Aug 2011

View from the Row: Itang Yunasz' East to Middle East

Pictures and words by : Laila

This mini-fashion show of Itang Yunasz was truly a labour of love—it was prepared in just one month, while the designer just held his major show last year, and was not exactly planning for another one this year. So why did he go for it?

For friendship. 

The show was initiated by Itang’s close-knit friends, which include Indonesia’s high socialites, designers, and senior models of the 80s, for the good cause of helping their friend, Robby Tumewu. Senior actor Robby Tumewu was known for having a stroke attack on October 2010 and is still under intensive care.

The result was also simple—no posh runways, no over-the-top stage setting, only a warm and intimate fashion showcase. Aside from the usual professional models, Itang’s longtime friends such as Andang Gunawan, Enny Soekamto and Etty Djody also walked the ‘runway’, showcasing the clothes with their beautiful daughters, and even grandchildren. Nothing says warmth more than a mother-daughter show.

With the absence of high runway, those ‘models’ freely interacted with the guests, whom mostly were their own friends.

The ‘East to Middle East’ collection itself was a marriage between Indonesian’s Muslim wear with Middle East’s. Itang played around with asymmetrical kaftans, jodhpur pants, pencil pants that are layered on the ankles, boho dress, to Thailand sarong pants. Itang also used a lot of hand-embroideries and beads as details.

Itang chose light and flowy fabrics for the collection, such as shantung, chiffon silk, silk crepe, linen, and Paris cotton so he’s free to craft his trademark layered and drapery style without creating a heavy look.

Head coverings also widely varied, with long scarfs, old-style Parisienne turban, even hoodie.

As for the male collection, Itang experimented with long tunics, kaftan longgar, and jelabah.

Every profit of the show would be donated to Robby Tumewu and the needy, as told by Enny Soekamto.

Peragaan busana mini Itang Yunasz ini sungguhlah sebuah labour of love. Gimana nggak? Persiapannya hanya satu bulan, sementara sang desainer baru mengadakan show besar taun lalu dan (sebenarnya) tidak berencana membuat show lagi taun ini. Demi apa?

Demi persahabatan.

Fashion showcase ini digagas oleh kelompok pertemanan Itang dengan sejumlah sosialita, desainer, dan model senior tahun 80an, dengan tujuan menggalang dana untuk sahabat mereka, Robby Tumewu. Aktor senior tersebut memang terserang stroke pada Oktober 2010 dan harus menjalani perawatan intensif. Atas alasan tersebut, Itang pun luluh.

Hasilnya juga sederhana—
no posh runway, no over-the-top stage setting, hanya sebuah showcase busana yang hangat dan akrab. Selain model-model professional, sahabat-sahabat Itang seperti Andang Gunawan, Enny Soekamto dan Etty Djody juga ikut berlenggak-lenggok memamerkan busana Itang bersama putri-putri cantik bahkan cucu mereka. Nothing says warmth more than a mother-daughter show.

Dengan tidak adanya panggung, para ‘model’ tersebut pun bebas berinteraksi dengan penonton, yang kebanyakan juga teman sendiri.

Koleksi ‘East to Middle East’ merupakan perkawinan antara busana muslim Indonesia dengan Timur Tengah. Itang bereksprimen dengan kaftan asimetris, celana jodhpur, celana pensil yang bertumpuk di pergelangan kaki,
boho dress, sampai celana sarung Thailand. Sulaman, bordiran tangan, dan beads juga banyak dipakai sebagai aksen.

Bahan-bahan yang dipilih pun ringan, seperti shantung, chiffon silk, silk crepe, linen, dan katun paris, agar Itang bisa menciptakan gaya draperi dan tumpuk tanpa terkesan berat.

Penggunaan penutup kepala juga dibuat bervariasi. Misalnya, kerudung dengan model panjang, turban gaya Paris tahun 1920-an, bahkan

Untuk busana pria, Itang berkreasi dengan tunik panjang, kaftan longgar, jelabah (baju Maroko), dan celana menggantung.

Mengutip Enny Soekamto, seluruh keuntungan dari acara ini akan disumbangkan untuk pengobatan Robby Tumewu dan sisanya disumbangkan untuk kaum dhuafa.


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