23 Aug 2011

Snap on the go: oops, he's looking!

Snapped by : Annisa

at Part One Edward Hutabarat: Reflection, after show.
The Atrium, Sampoerna Strategic Square, Jakarta.

Today, I thought a lot about the concept of street style photography that The Blanc Notes has been prancing around with.

Since the very beginning, I and Astriani (and with gazillion help from Laila) have always wanted to make a fashion blog that not only records pictures of Jakarta's stylish people (we have a lot of'em, but they've got their own cool spots), but also celebrates (mind my over-the-top languange, darlings) the visual quality provided by cameras of our day (i.e. DSLRs).

Like what Laila has brilliantly discussed in her blog, it is quite impossible to expect street style pictures a la Scott, Garance, or Tommy. Main reason? Their objects are streets of New York, Milan, and Paris. Ours? The bewildred streets of Jakarta, and possibly the diverse lands of Indonesia.

Yet, we continue hunting for pictures of those uber-stylish people. And they're not that rare, apparently.

The Blanc Notes is almost two-month-old, an infant compared to blogs belong to the wonderful fashionistas we've interviewed, like Ario or Michelle. We hope to continue snapping qualified pictures and to have more loyal readers. Including you.


Hari ini tiba-tiba saya benar-benar kepikiran mengenai konsep street style photography yang selama ini menjadi andalannya The Blanc Notes.

Sejak awal, saya dan Astriani (dengan bantuan super banyak dari Laila) memang tidak mau membuat fashion blog untuk sekedar memotret stylish people di Jakarta (yang jumlahnya ternyata bombastis, cuma pada suka ngumpet di titik-titik tertentu saja yaa), tetapi juga untuk merayakan (aduh, gaya deh) kualitas visual dari kamera.

Seperti yang dibahas Laila di blognya, sulit untuk mengharapkan street style pictures ala New York atau Milan atau Paris, seperti yang dilakukan Scott Schumann, Garance Dore, dan Tommy Ton ketika settingannya adalah Jakarta Raya, atau mungkin Indonesia secara umum.

Tapi, kami tidak pernah berhenti hunting foto. Dan, ternyata, benar kan, stylish people memang bukan spesies yang langka, asalkan kami mau sedikit mengerutkan mata dan mencari tempat persembunyian mereka (this is hunting in literal sense, ya? haha)

The Blanc Notes sudah mau berusia dua bulan. Masih infant banget ya memang, dibandingkan dengan para bloggers yang sudah kami wawancarai, seperti Ario ataupun Michelle. Mudah-mudahan, kualitasnya The Blanc Notes bisa naik terus. Dan semoga jumlah pembacanya juga bertambah setiap hari. And hopefully you, who's reading this long rant post 'til the end, will be one of our loyal readers.


1 comment:

prin_theth said...

I think I've told you once, and I'll tell you again: I love this pooost :) Semoga blancnotes bisa jadi THE eye-candy website paling hits ya hahaha (pembaca langsung ilfil deh....)